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Lawz Drawz illustratez Melbz
Lawz Drawz illustratez Melbz

Lawz Drawz illustratez Melbz

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Laura Holley, aka Lawz Drawz, shares in this interview the answer to that question and talks about how she jumped from fine arts, to photography, to project management to then become one of the most recognisable illustrators in the Northern Suburbs.

Harry Ivory (1914-2004) – A Brunswick legend who spanned the generations
Harry Ivory (1914-2004) – A Brunswick legend who spanned the generations

Harry Ivory (1914-2004) – A Brunswick legend who spanned the generations

The word ‘legend’ is overused these days but if there ever was one in Brunswick, it would have to be Harry Ivory. Harry trained countless boxers over a period of six decades and, at times, they dominated the card at Festival Hall. “He didn’t just teach people how to box and to defend themselves but was inspirational through his actions, words and great insight about life”. Learn his story through the eyes of one of his trainees, Barry York.

Tom Bentley
Tom Bentley

Tom Bentley

Learn more about multi-ethnic networks of knowledge, local businesses and accessible good quality education from Tom Bentley's perspective, a supportive netball dad to his daughters and a resident of Brunswick East who also happens to be the Executive Director for Policy and Impact at RMIT University.

Annalivia Hannan
Annalivia Hannan

Annalivia Hannan

Annalivia Hannan is the current Mayor of the City of Moreland and this is no coincidence. Brunswick multiculturalism, a few steps on the dance floor, a passion for social work, soccer, and a legendary family strategy shaped her story. Read this article to learn more about another Legend of Brunswick.