Apr 17, 2023 | Community


Author: Pablo Gonzalez

Katsaros & Associates (K&A) is a Brunswick-based law firm. From the very heart of Sydney Road, Dimitrios Katsaros and his team typically work with clients who migrated to Australia and have found themselves in difficult situations including visa cancellations, or visa application refusals. 

In a nutshell, this is Katsaros & Associates. But let’s expand on the tale behind K&A because as it is for many good stories, this one relies on an intriguing love quest, an adventure for life and a successful migrants’ story.

It’s 1969 and the Greek migrant ship Patris arrives in Melbourne. Looking for a better life, Agrafa-born Georgios Katsaros stares at a brand-new sky painted with fresh opportunities. When he arrived in Port Melbourne, not only was Georgios looking to improve his standard of living, but he was also seeking a very particular person.

Patris + Georgios - Brunswick Daily

Patris arriving in Port Melbourn and Georgios Katsaros ID Card. Source: Brunswick Daily with photos from ACMI and Bonegilla Migrant Camp websites.

A few months before Georgios’ arrival, Chrissoula Simou was flown into Melbourne. Her parents had arranged her marriage with a complete stranger who lived in Australia. Her heart, nevertheless, already belonged to someone else. 

Chrissoula Simou - Brunswick Daily

Chrissoula back in Athens before she came to Melborune circa 1968. Source: Dimitrios Katsaros

When kids, Georgios and Chrissoula met in the Greek village of Koutsopapoulos. Years later they reconnected in Athens to realise their destiny was sealed, they belonged with each other and they knew they would eventually get married.

While in Melbourne, they used letters to communicate their emotions and whereabouts and eventually, they met again. This didn’t come easy, though. 

Georgios, like many migrants from that era, was sent to the Bonegilla Migrant camp. Getting anxious to get a job and find Chrissoula, he escaped and was able to connect with the Greek community at Lonsdale Street. He eventually found a job and temporarily lived in a bungalow behind another man’s house.

In an episode full of mystery, Georgios rescued Chrisolla from her arranged marriage and under their terms, they started their own family. In the span of 18 years, they had five boys who mostly grew up in a house located on Mary Street in Richmond. When Dimitrios, the youngest brother, turned four years old in 1991, the Katsaros decided to move to Coburg.

Baptism - Brunswick Daily

One of Katsaros kids is baptised in Melbourne. Source: Dimitrios Katsaros

The logic behind this move wasn’t only comfort, they also wanted to be closer to the airport in case they chose to return to Greece. While there was a contingency room full of ready-to-take-off boxes, the Katsaros chose to stay in Australia.

Every Katsaros kid built their own professional pathway. Within the family, there is a Federal Police Detective, a couple of Builders, and a Filmmaker. Dimitrios chose to be a lawyer.

Admission ceremony - Brunswick Daily

Father and son during Dimitrios’ admission ceremony in 2015. Source: Dimitrios Katsaros

Dimi started working in Canberra at the Cypriot High Commission before moving to the Department of Defence and then with the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions in Melbourne. And while his jobs at the public service gained him a good set of skills, working in criminal law didn’t feel right. Dimi preferred to contribute to the process of people settling. Supporting migrant families to find better opportunities as his family did was his passion. 

Today, Katsaros & Associates wraps up a story where love, family, and success are present. K&A plays a key role in Melbourne and Brunswick’s community where new migrants are constantly looking to establish a new life in Australia. 

We invite you to book a consultation with Katsaros & Associates or pay Dimi a visit at the very heart of Brunswick on 1/242A Sydney Road.

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