May 2, 2021 | Community

Legends of Brunswick

Author: Pablo Gonzalez

Legends of Brunswick

When I think of a legend I can’t stop imagining a pop-culture character whose story and actions have the power to influence other people. Then I think of those people in my life who have the same power of influencing my decisions and perception of the world. Can you think of someone whose story has changed or influenced your life… who was that? Luke Skywalker? Your mom? Your cat? A school teacher? Your best mate? Your barista? 

Who we are, our stories, dreams, fears and ideals have the power to influence others. For the past few months, thanks to COVID rules easing in Melborune and Brunswick, I have been able to listen to more peoples’ anecdotes, dreams, and concerns. These people’s stories have influenced the way I think, the way I behave and the way I see the world, and I like to believe that my story has influenced theirs as well. This makes me think not only pop-culture icons are legends but we all are.

Legends of Brunswick has the purpose of capturing the many untold stories of ordinary people who aren’t typically honoured. The use of written English and the Interwebs will immortalise those stories in this series of articles. Curiosity will lead our narrative and the conversations we’ll have with locals will reveal the details that define them as legends. 

Some of the names you’ll come across in this series might be familiar, some might not, but make sure they all have Brunswick in common. You will read stories about people in the public eye, people after whose actions streets or parks have been named, and tales of those who might have been sitting right next to you having a pint last Friday in a bar on Sydney Road or Lygon Street.

Within their daily stories, you will notice that many of the challenges our local legends face and the actions they take to overcome them are just as common and extraordinary as life itself. In this series, we will test if learning more from each other allows us to uncover and build connections through recognising ourselves in other people’s gains, losses and experiences. 

I invite you to join Brunswick Daily in this new adventure and find yourself mirrored in the stories of people who are the Legends of Brunswick, just like you and me. 

Enjoy this series you, Legend!

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