Welcome to Sparking Match! A hidden section that celebrates curiosity and experimentation. Overall, it celebrates Brunswick, its people and authenticity. Here you will find hidden gems of our suburb. Streets, restaurants and places that exist and are magnificent because of just being.

Razzo Dazzo
Razzo Dazzo

Razzo Dazzo

Concrete lit up boulders, a piazza feeling, and recliner wooden chairs make this park a very unique one in Brunswick. Named after a Sicilian village where our suburb has ties with, Randazzo park is another jewel worth exploring.

Is that me?
Is that me?

Is that me?

He opened up his eyes. He knew the day had just begun because it was precisely then when he sometimes gained that instant of mental clarity. He savoured that instant because of its ephemerality. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened them back up he didn’t know where, when nor who he was.

Squared travels
Squared travels

Squared travels

Lockdown brings so many things along its way. On this occasion, it brings a squared or maybe rectangled journey around our suburb. Have you ever seen the daily things described in this trip? Trams, parks, people, flowers, and dogs, what else have you found in your lockdown walks?